Saturday, January 16, 2016

Object marker - 을 / 를

Object marker - 을 / 를

Similarly, object needs an object marker. There are two object markers; 을 and 를.
  • ~을
제프는 닭볶음을 먹었어요(ate). : Jeff ate dakbokkum.

When the object has a 받침, like 닭볶음, "을" is added to the end to mark that the word is the object of the sentence.
효정이는 사과(apple)를 먹었어요(ate). : Hyojeong ate an apple.

Likewise, when the object does not have a 받침, like 사과, "를" is added to the end to mark that the word is the object of the sentence.

A helpful tip for picking the right marker: when there's a 받침, the following marker's 초성(starting consonant) is "ㅇ" which is silent.

- 선생님
- 닭볶음

- 엄마
- 사과

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